Missing the pride and dignity that come from meaningful employment is hard enough but even more difficult is not being able to show the world what you are truly capable of achieving.
At ARCO, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to experience the dignity of employment. Employment is more than just a paycheck. It provides a sense of purpose, belonging, and independence—key elements of a meaningful life.
For individuals with developmental disabilities, having a job offers the same rewards and opportunities, allowing them to contribute to their community and grow as individuals.
Through our Supported Employment Program, local businesses help us start this journey. We have a tried-and-true plan that has been successful for over 30 years, and we are ready to help you create a diverse and inclusive workforce.
We guide you through the process by learning about your business needs or unmet needs, identifying the skills required, and then matching you with an employee who has those specific skill sets. ARCO will also be part of your team by developing a training plan, providing onsite training, developing natural onsite supports, and conducting monthly follow-ups to make sure everything is going great!
Chase Mortgage is one of our valued partners, demonstrating how businesses can support these life-changing journeys. Through their document destruction center, they have employed several individuals with developmental disabilities. Their commitment was recently recognized with the Governor’s GOLD Award & Employer of the Year for their leadership in supported employment, showing how inclusive practices can benefit both the individual and the business.
Partner with ARCO and become part of this employment journey.